A letter of protection (commonly referred to as a LOP) is a tool used by your personal injury lawyer. A letter of protection is used to assist you after a motor vehicle accident.  The letter of protection allows you to get tests, treatment, or other services before you settle your claim.

Have you been injured an accident?  Try and get medical treatment without an lawyer. You will see why it is such an important tool. 

Letter of Protection

A letter of protection is a promise from your lawyer to a medical or service provider.  It guarantees that when your claim is settled, your lawyer will pay the provider.  This allows you to get diagnostic studies and treatment to help you to recover.

Your personal injury lawyer will have networks of doctors and specialists.  Generally, these doctors and specialists will have worked with your attorney in the past.  They trust your lawyer to send over a patient that has a claim with value.  This means there is another party who is liable for your injuries.

Providers will want to maximize the letter of protection.  This is how the earn more money.  You need to be in communication with your attorney regarding the letters of protection.  You only want the right treatment will be done.

Your lawyer may lower the amount requested, or refuse to issue a letter of protection for certain treatment.  They do this in your best interest.  Your lawyer understands the value of your claim.  Medical treatment adds value to your claim. 

Medical treatment could go too far.  The medical could exceed the value of your claim.  If all the money goes to medical treatment, you could end up without any money to compensate you for your injuries. 


Your personal injury claim is very important.  Your claim must be handled the right way. We want to recover and maximize the value.  Your lawyer assists in coordinating with you, the medical providers, and the insurance company to bring your claim to a successful resolution.  If you have any questions about your treatment just reach out to your personal injury lawyer.

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