You can vary from the standard possession order in Texas.  Texas created the standard possession order.  This was done to have an easy to understand schedule that is used by most people. 

But if the standard possession order does not work in your situation, change it.  It is better to have a schedule that works for both parents, than dealing with changing plans and last-minute cancellations. 

Your children need routine.  If they know when they will be with each parent, it will reduce the stress on them and improve your relationship with them.

Vary the Standard Possession Order During A Divorce

The Texas courts encourage cooperation between the parents.  If you are going through a divorce and the standard possession order does not work for you, talk to your divorce lawyer about it. 

As visitation is being set up, the attorneys can work on a schedule that works better for both of your situations.  This is better than having a schedule that constantly changes and does not work for you or the other parent.

Change An Existing Possession Order

 If you have an existing possession order that does not work for you or for the other parent, change it.  It is best if the two of you work it out between yourselves.  But if that is not possible, have the attorney help you with it. 


You are both parents of your child.  As a result, you will see each other at your child’s activities, school graduations, and some day wedding.  You need to be able to be tolerant of each other.

An unworkable possession order will continue to foster hurt feelings.  If the two of you continue to fight over the schedule with your child, your relationship will not improve.  It will also affect your child.  Don’t let that happen.  It is like ripping off a band aide.  Do it quickly and then it will feel better. 

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