Motor Vehicle Accident ATTORNEY
What to Do at The Scene of A Motor Vehicle Accident
In Texas, we love the freedom of taking our vehicles from place to place. As a result of all this driving, a reportable motor vehicle accident occurs in Texas every 58 seconds.

What happens when you are one of the parties involved in a motor vehicle accident? Is there anything special you should do or not do?
What To Do At the Scene of A Motor Vehicle Accident:
I know that being at the scene of a motor vehicle accident is very traumatic. But, the most important thing to do after an accident is to stay calm.
Take a look around you. Are you ok?
What about the other people in your vehicle?
Next, did your car end up in a safe spot?
If not, can you drive it to the side of the road?
Are the people in the other vehicles ok? Be careful, some people get upset and it is best to wait for the police to arrive before dealing with those type of people.
Someone needs to call 911. Tell them you have been in a motor vehicle accident. Exchange insurance information with each of the vehicles involved in the accident. When Emergency vehicles arrive describe any problems you are having as a result of the accident. You are most likely in shock and so you need to think if anything is hurting. Don’t just give a common response of “I’m ok”. Go through a check list of all your body parts and ask, does it feel ok?
Next, fill out your accident information form that’s in your glove box as thoroughly as possible. Get information from as many eye witnesses as possible. Finally, take pictures of the accident scene, the vehicles and their license plates.
If you follow the above steps, you have laid the proper foundation for a successful claim. If you have any further questions, go to MLF Legal’s web site.
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