When do you need to determine that it is time to sue for your car wreck?  In Texas there are over 200,000 injuries per year resulting from car wrecks.  About 5% of those injuries end up in trial.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both sides when you decide to sue.  Your personal injury attorney will help you to understand when you need to sue for your car wreck.

Advantages of Filing a Lawsuit

There are a lot changes when you sue for your car wreck.  The following are some of the advantages of filing the lawsuit:

Disadvantages of Filing a Lawsuit

It is not always in your best interest to sue for your car wreck.  The following are some of the disadvantages of filing a lawsuit:


There are clearly times that you need to sue for your car wreck.  But first, you need to understand the benefits and costs of your decision.  With this you can have the best chance of receiving the recovery that you deserve.

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